The jury unanimously assigned:
GRAND PRIX of the festival, „Golden Shepherd“:
to Predrag Todorovic, for the film„Loo-loo-loo-loo“ (prod: TV Centre, Svilajnac).
Eighty-five years old Stana patiently and brightly copes with the difficulties of handing over the art of singing shepherds’ „songs with no words“ to her daughter Zivojka. The authorial team unobtrusively and effectively transferred her wittiness to the film, extending her personal story to the important ethnological topics such as the preservation of the intangible cultural herritage of Vlachs and the destiny of contemporary villages…
„Silver Shepherd“ for the ethnological record:
to Predrag Todorovic, for the film„Dance for the Late Emilian“ (prod: TV Centre, Svilajnac).
This cinematic record thorougly, moderately and comprehensively conveys an intimate and tragic story of the dance prepared by the grieving parents and dedicated to their deceised son, as a specific element of the cult of death in Vlach culture.
 „Silver Shepherd“ for the direction:
to Radomirka Siljanoski for her film „Witch’s Cut“.
Finding effective director’s solutions, through a symbolic filming of love spells and curses, the author makes a creative stride in treating ethnological topics…
„Silver Shepherd“ for the script:
to creative team Jelena Jovčić and Vladimir Perić, for their film „Vertep in Srem“.
Owing to the precise, skillfull and accurate script, this cinematic record follows the preparation of vertep, a renewed ritual procession performed in the village Lacarak (in Srem) on Christmas Eve, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. 
 „Silver Shepherd“ for the cinematography:
to Igor Petričević, for the film „Accept me as Your Brother, I do Accept You“.
The cameraman demonstrated an extraordinary sensibility for the details, almost imperceptible changes of lense focus, as well as the masterly filming of the natural scenery as a frame for the human encounters of the religions and cultures.
„Silver Shepherd“ for the editing:
to Nikola Uuspenski, for the TV reportage „Dragon of Homolje“.
From the rich filmed material, the editor skillfully assembled an interesting and comprehensible story of mythological creatures Dragon of Homolje and Forest Mother.
„Silver Shepherd“ for the amateur film:
to the crative team of Primary School „Milisav Nikolic“ from Bozevac, for their film „A Journey of a Folk Costume“ 
Through the authentic testimonies of the informants, in a detailed and complete way, the young spectators learn about making, types and characteristics of the traditional folk costume.
Special Recognition:
to Nebojsa Ilic Ilke, for his film „A Journey of a Thread“.
In an effective way, putting the preschool age children into the direct contact with traditional procedures of making and colouring the fabrics and clothes, the film develops the awareness of the youngest audience on the importance of preserving the traditional customs and intangible cultural heritage.
For recording the valuable cultural heritage тhe Jury also praises:
Snezana Saponjic Asanin,for her film „Village Patron Saint Day“, for a skillful recording of the processions around the „zapis“ (sacred tree) in region of Cacak;
Novica Savic,for the film „Mills of Bistrica“, for a condensed and effective treatment of the new life of watermills around Petrovac on Mlava, as well as accompannying folk beliefs;
Miljana Vukovic, for the film „Fire for the Dead“, unweaving densely knitted customs dedicated to the dead in Kucevo region.
The Jury unanonimously assigned:
„Golden Shepherd“and the charter „Cedric Dallier“ for the Best ethnological film in International competition:
to „In the Name of…“ by Erlynee Kardany from Norway
What happens when a modern Westerner converts to Islam for the love of his partner, while she struggles to keep away from the constraints imposed by Sharia marriage!? Following the new streams in documentary, authorial and life couple, originating from remote cultures and religions, make film records on each other through the years. Thus, entering into a family intimacy, the wider issues of tolerance and contemporary treatment of religion are raised.
“Silver Shepherd” for rising the key issues of the contemporary ethnology and anthropology regarding the traditions and modernity, expressed through the visual media:
to “Wisdom of the Mountains” by Daan Jongbloed from the Netherlands
Through a reconstruction of a slightly romantic vision of a Dutch researcher dealing with the traditional dishes and agriculture of Pamiri people, the author, through a clear dramaturgy, exposes to the audience the key challenges of the modernization. Can one be faithful to the traditional culture and nutrition while adopting the modern life styles!?
Special recognitions go to:
“Ours”by Sead Sabotic from Montenegro, for a consistent and moderated director’s treatment, choosing an unusual angle in spotting the light to a common topic – leaving the homeland.
“Hand Mill”by Gulzat Egemberdieva, Germany, for the intimate confessions testimonying the abuses of contemporary laws proscribing the bride kidnapping in rural parts of Kyrgyzstan.
“Meeting”by Reza Majlesi from Iran, for a lavish cinematography and a sublime tittuping with the expectations of the spectators in representing the daily routine of a hardy and diligent old lady from the Iranian countryside.
“In Search of the Land Without Evil”by Anna Azevedo from Brazil, for the admirable art cinematography and a skillful mystical hinting of the changes to be in a small Guarani community on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.
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